Introduction to Stack in C++: LIFO Concept and Applications

The stack in C++ is a fundamental data structure that serves as the foundation of efficient data organization and manipulation in computer programming. Among the many data structures available, the stack stands out as a versatile and widely-used option in various applications. It operates on the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, making it ideal for scenarios where the last element inserted into the stack is the first one to be removed. In simple terms, a stack can be visualized as a collection of elements organized in a linear manner, resembling a stack of plates where the most recently placed plate is the first to be removed.

In this blog, we will delve into the world of stack in C++, exploring their definition, implementation, operations, and real-world applications. Understanding the (data structure) stack in C++ and its powerful LIFO concept is essential for programmers aiming to design optimal and effective solutions to complex computational challenges. Let’s explore the versatility and significance of the stack data structure and how it can be leveraged to tackle various programming problems effectively.


What is a Stack Data Structure?

A stack is a collection of elements organized in a linear fashion, where elements can be added or removed only from one end, known as the top of the stack. It can be visualized as a stack of plates or books, where you can only add or remove items from the top. This LIFO concept ensures that the most recently added item is the first one to be removed, making it useful in various scenarios.

Implementation of Stack  in C++

To implement a stack in C++, we can use an array or a linked list. Let’s see how to implement a stack using an array:

stack in c++


stack in c++

In this implementation, we use an array arr to store the elements of the stack and an integer top to keep track of the topmost element’s index. We have defined methods to perform the stack operations like push, pop, peek, isEmpty, and isFull.



Stack Operations

A stack supports two primary operations:

  1. Push: This operation is used to insert an element onto the top of the stack.
  2. Pop: This operation is used to remove the element from the top of the stack.

In addition to these fundamental operations, stacks often include other useful methods, such as:

  1. Top: This operation returns the top element of the stack without removing it.
  2. Empty: This operation checks if the stack is empty or not.
  3. Size: This operation returns the number of elements in the stack.

Time Complexity of Stack in C++

Stack OperationTime ComplexityDescription
PushO(1)Inserting an element onto the top of the stack.
PopO(1)Removing the element from the top of the stack.
Top (Peek)O(1)Accessing the top element without removing it.
EmptyO(1)Checking if the stack is empty or not.

In the table, we list the common stack operations and their corresponding time complexities. Each operation consistently takes O(1) time, denoting constant time complexity, regardless of the number of elements present in the stack.

The constant time complexity is achieved because the stack’s implementation (using an array or a linked list) allows direct access to the top element, and updating the top pointer or index takes a constant amount of time. There is no need to traverse the entire stack, making these operations highly efficient and predictable. It is important to emphasize that the O(1) time complexity is valid as long as the stack is implemented correctly and experiences no resizing or memory allocation issues that could result in occasional worst-case scenarios. Well-implemented stacks maintain efficient O(1) time complexity for their fundamental operations, making them valuable tools for various programming tasks.

Space Complexity of Stack in C++

Stack OperationSpace ComplexityDescription
Array-based StackO(n)In an array-based stack, space is allocated for a fixed-size array to store ‘n’ elements.
Linked List-based StackO(n)In a linked list-based stack, space is used for ‘n’ nodes, each containing data and a pointer to the next node.

In the table, we list two common implementations of a stack: the array-based stack and the linked list-based stack. For both implementations, the space complexity increases linearly with the number of elements (‘n’) stored in the stack.

1. Array-based Stack:

  • In an array-based stack, space is allocated for a fixed-size array to hold the elements.
  • The size of the array is determined during initialization and remains constant throughout the stack’s lifetime.
  • If the stack is not full, some memory may be unused, but it still contributes to the constant space complexity of O(n).
  • When the stack reaches its maximum capacity, no additional elements can be added, even if there is free memory available.

2. Linked List-based Stack:

  • In a linked list-based stack, each element (node) stores the data value and a pointer/reference to the next node.
  • As elements are added, new nodes are dynamically allocated in memory.
  • The space complexity increases linearly with the number of elements (‘n’) as each new node consumes additional memory.
  • Linked lists can be more memory-efficient for stacks with varying sizes since memory is allocated as needed.

Both implementations have a space complexity of O(n) because the space required to maintain the stack is directly proportional to the number of elements in the stack (‘n’). When considering space complexity, it’s essential to choose an implementation that best suits the program’s requirements and memory constraints.


Some Code examples:

1. Push Operation of Stack in C++

stakc in c++

In this code, we create an empty stack called myStack of integers. We then use the push method to insert elements onto the top of the stack. We push the integers 10, 20, and 30 onto the stack, respectively. After pushing these elements, we use the top method to access the top element without removing it, and it returns 30 as the top element.


Stack in c++

2. Pop Operation of Stack in C++

stack in c++

In this code, we create an empty stack called myStack of integers. We use the push method to insert elements 10, 20, and 30 onto the top of the stack, respectively. After pushing these elements, we use the pop method to remove the element from the top of the stack. It removes the top element, which is 30. We then use the top method to access the top element without removing it, and it returns 20 as the new top element.


stack in c++

3. Top Operation of Stack in C++

stack in c++

In this code, we create an empty stack called myStack of integers. We use the push method to insert elements 10, 20, and 30 onto the top of the stack, respectively. After pushing these elements, we use the top method to access the top element without removing it. It returns 30 as the top element.


stack in c++

4. Empty Operation of Stack in C++

stack in c++

In this code, we create an empty stack called myStack of integers. We use the empty method to check if the stack is empty or not. Since the stack is empty at this point, it prints “Stack is empty.” Next, we push the integer 10 onto the top of the stack and again use the empty method to check if the stack is empty. As we have an element (10) in the stack, it prints “Stack is not empty.”


stack in c++

5. Size Operation of Stack in C++

stack in c++

In this code, we create an empty stack called myStack of integers. We use the push method to insert elements 10, 20, and 30 onto the top of the stack, respectively. After pushing these elements, we use the size method to get the number of elements in the stack, which is 3.


stack in c++

Advantages of Stack:

1. Simple and Efficient: Stacks are simple data structures with easy-to-understand operations. Their basic operations like push and pop have constant time complexity, making them highly efficient.

2. Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Property: The LIFO property of stacks makes them suitable for managing function calls, backtracking algorithms, and undo/redo functionalities.

3. Memory Management: Stack memory is automatically managed, as elements are inserted and removed only from one end. This automatic memory management reduces the risk of memory leaks.

4. Function Call Management: Stacks are extensively used to manage function calls in programming languages. When a function is called, its context (return address and local variables) is pushed onto the stack, allowing the program to return to the correct context after the function execution is complete.

5. Expression Evaluation: Stacks are valuable for evaluating postfix expressions, handling nested parentheses, and parsing arithmetic expressions.

6. Backtracking Algorithms: In backtracking algorithms like Depth-First Search (DFS), stacks are used to keep track of the visited nodes and facilitate the backtracking process.

Limitations of Stack:

1. Fixed Size (Array-based): Array-based stacks have a fixed size, and once the stack is full, it cannot accommodate additional elements, even if there is available memory.

2. Dynamic Memory Management (Linked List-based): Linked list-based stacks require dynamic memory allocation for each new node, which can lead to additional overhead.

3. No Random Access: Stacks do not support random access to elements. To access an element in the middle of the stack, all elements on top of it must be popped, causing potential data loss.

4. Limited Applications: Stacks are ideal for specific scenarios like function calls and backtracking algorithms, but they may not be the best choice for all data management tasks.

5. Not Suitable for Multiple Access Points: Since only the top element can be accessed or modified, stacks are not appropriate for scenarios where multiple access points are required.

6. No Search Functionality: Unlike other data structures like arrays or binary search trees, stacks do not support direct search functionality to locate a specific element.

Despite these limitations, stacks remain a valuable data structure in many programming scenarios where their LIFO property and simple operations offer significant advantages. As with any data structure, understanding the limitations and choosing the appropriate structure based on the specific requirements of the problem is essential for efficient and effective programming.


Real-World Applications of Stacks

Stacks find applications in various real-world scenarios, such as:

  1. Function Calls: The function call stack in programming languages uses a stack data structure to manage function calls and their return addresses.
  2. Expression Evaluation: Stacks are used to evaluate postfix expressions and handle nested parentheses.
  3. Backtracking Algorithms: Stacks are used in backtracking algorithms, such as Depth-First Search (DFS) in graphs.
  4. Browser History: Stacks can be used to implement the back and forward navigation in web browsers.
  5. Undo/Redo Functionality: Stacks can be used to implement undo and redo functionality in applications.


Some use of Stacks

Function Calls and Recursion: Stacks are extensively used to manage function calls and recursion in programming languages. Each time a function is called, its context (return address, local variables, and other information) is pushed onto the stack. When the function finishes execution, its context is popped from the stack, allowing the program to return to the correct execution point.

Expression Evaluation: Stacks are valuable for evaluating arithmetic expressions, infix to postfix conversion, and handling parentheses matching. They help in efficiently solving mathematical expressions and evaluating complex equations.

Undo/Redo Operations: In applications that support undo and redo functionalities, stacks are used to keep track of the state changes. When an action is performed, it is pushed onto the stack, enabling users to undo the action by popping it from the stack and redo it by pushing it back.

Backtracking Algorithms: Stacks are fundamental in backtracking algorithms like Depth-First Search (DFS) and recursive algorithms. They allow the program to keep track of visited nodes, exploring all possible paths before backtracking to find the optimal solution.

Browser History: Web browsers use a stack-like mechanism to maintain the user’s browsing history. Each visited webpage is pushed onto the stack, and users can navigate backward through their history by popping pages from the stack.

Call Stack in Debugging: While debugging programs, developers use a call stack to trace the sequence of function calls and understand the program’s flow. The call stack keeps track of function calls and helps identify the origin of errors or crashes.

Parentheses Balancing: Stacks are commonly used to check the validity of parentheses, braces, and brackets in programming languages. They ensure that opening and closing symbols are balanced correctly.

Postfix Evaluation: Stacks are useful for evaluating postfix expressions (Reverse Polish Notation) efficiently. The operators are applied to the operands based on their positions in the expression.

Task Scheduling: In operating systems, stacks are used to manage task scheduling and context switching. The state of each task is stored in a stack, allowing the system to switch between tasks seamlessly.

These are just a few examples of the many applications of stacks in various domains. Their Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) nature and simple operations make them an indispensable tool for solving a wide range of problems efficiently. Whether in programming, data processing, or system design, understanding and utilizing stacks can significantly improve algorithm efficiency and overall program performance.


Stacks are a fundamental data structure that plays a vital role in solving various programming problems. Their LIFO property and efficient implementation make them a preferred choice in numerous real-world applications. In this blog, we explored the stack data structure, learned how to implement stack in C++, and examined some common scenarios where stacks are used. Understanding stacks and their applications is essential for every programmer’s toolkit to build efficient and optimized solutions to complex problems.


Want a good reference book for DSA in C++?

you can check out: Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen(Author), Charles E. Leiserson(Author), Ronald L. Rivest (Author), Clifford Stein (Author).

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This is a classic and widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive and authoritative books on algorithms. It covers a broad range of algorithms and data structures and provides in-depth explanations and analyses. Although the examples in the book use pseudocode, many students and programmers have successfully applied the concepts in C++.

check 4rth fourth edition price: Hardcover price             Kindel Edition price.

 check 3rd edition price:  Paper Back   



you can also check out for DSA in java: Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy by Narasimha Karumanchi(Author)

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This book is a part of a series that covers data structures and algorithms using different programming languages, including Java, C, and Python. So, if you specifically want to learn data structures and algorithms in Java, you can look for the Java version of this book. It will provide examples and explanations using Java programming language to illustrate various concepts related to data structures and algorithms.

check price: Paperback



Best problem-solving book in c++: Problem Solving with C++ by Walter Savitch

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Although not specifically a DSA book, this resource introduces C++ programming through problem-solving techniques. It is beginner-friendly and includes some coverage of basic data structures and algorithms.

check price : paperback


Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions [paperback] McDowell, Gayle Laakmann

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In this book, you’ll find a wide range of array-related problems, including array manipulation, searching, sorting, dynamic programming, and more. Each problem is explained thoroughly, and the solutions are provided with step-by-step explanations and code examples in multiple programming languages, including C++.

The book also includes valuable tips and strategies for approaching coding interviews, making it a useful resource for anyone preparing for technical interviews at top tech companies.

check price: paperback

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