Oops in C++: Exploring Its Types and Applications

Welcome to the fascinating world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a powerful paradigm that has revolutionized the way we design and develop software applications. OOP provides a structured and elegant approach to programming by modeling real-world entities as objects, complete with attributes and behaviors. As technology evolves, the need for scalable, maintainable, and reusable code becomes increasingly essential. OOP addresses these requirements, enabling developers to break down complex problems into manageable components, promoting code modularity and organization. By encapsulating data and methods within classes, OOP ensures data security and abstraction, concealing internal implementation details. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the core principles of OOP, explore practical examples, and highlight the numerous advantages that make OOP an indispensable skill for modern programmers. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey into the realm of oops in c++.

Table of Contents

Embracing Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Unraveling the Benefits

why we study OOP?

Earlier we were using:

1. Procedural Programming: Procedural programming is a programming paradigm where the program is structured as a linear sequence of instructions in a single block. The focus is on executing a series of procedures or routines that manipulate data. It is suitable for smaller programs with a straightforward flow of execution. However, as the program size grows, procedural programming can become challenging to manage and maintain due to its lack of clear organization and reusability. #Limitation: Procedural programming becomes increasingly complex and difficult to maintain as the program size and complexity increase. It lacks the modularity and abstraction needed for larger projects.

2. Modular Programming: Modular programming is an approach that breaks down a procedural program into smaller, manageable modules or functions, each with a specific purpose. This encourages code reuse, readability, and maintainability. By dividing the program into self-contained units, developers can focus on individual functionalities without worrying about the entire codebase.  #Limitation: One limitation of modular programming is the difficulty in relating it directly to real-world problems. While it provides a structured approach to code organization, understanding how these modules relate to complex real-world scenarios might require additional documentation and effort.

Disadvantages of Using More Global Variables:

Code Complexity: Excessive use of global variables can lead to code complexity and reduce the readability of the code. It becomes difficult to track the flow of data, understand how different parts of the program interact, and identify potential side effects.

Name Clashes: Global variables can result in naming conflicts, especially in larger projects where multiple developers work together. If different parts of the codebase use the same global variable name, unintended consequences and difficult-to-trace bugs may occur.

Debugging and Testing Difficulties: Global variables can make debugging and testing more challenging. Since these variables can be modified from anywhere in the code, it becomes harder to pinpoint the source of bugs and unexpected behavior.

Encapsulation and Security Issues: Global variables break encapsulation, as they can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the code. This can lead to security vulnerabilities if sensitive data is exposed and manipulated unintentionally.

Code Maintenance Challenges: Global variables can make code maintenance more difficult, as changes to global state may have unintended consequences throughout the application. This increases the risk of introducing regressions and makes it harder to implement updates and enhancements.

To mitigate these issues, it’s essential to use global variables judiciously, favoring local variables and explicit data passing wherever possible. Proper design patterns and encapsulation techniques can also help improve the maintainability and readability of code.


Let’s explain how Object-Oriented Programming (oops in c++) can help address the challenges in a large ATM application without going into the specific code details.

Problem: In a large ATM application, using numerous global variables and large functions can make it difficult to understand the interactions between functions and global data. This can lead to code that is hard to conceptualize, modify, and maintain.

Solution: To overcome these challenges, we can leverage Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles to design a more organized and cohesive system. In OOP, we can create classes to represent real-world entities like the “Account” class to handle user accounts in the ATM application.

Oops approach:

Suppose we have an “Account” class that encapsulates the account details, such as the user’s name, PIN, and balance. Instead of using global variables for each of these, we create instance variables within the “Account” class to store this data.

With OOP, we define methods (functions within the class) to perform operations specific to the account, such as checking the balance or processing withdrawals. These methods can directly access the instance variables, making it clear which data they operate on. For instance:

oops in c++

In this C++ code, we have defined a class Account to represent the user account in the ATM application. The class contains private data members name, pin, and balance, along with public member functions check_balance() and withdrawal() to perform the respective operations.

The user’s name and PIN are taken as input, and an instance of the Account class is created based on this information. The user is then presented with a menu to either check the account balance or perform a withdrawal.

This implementation uses OOP principles to encapsulate data and functions related to the account within the Account class. It provides a clear and organized structure, making it easier to understand, modify, and maintain the ATM application.

oops in c++

C++ is a powerful and versatile language that fully supports OOP concepts. Here’s a description of oops in C++:


A class is a blueprint or a template for creating objects. It defines a new data type that can contain data members (attributes) and member functions (methods). The data members represent the attributes of the objects, while the member functions define the behaviors or operations that objects of that class can perform. A class serves as a user-defined data type that encapsulates data and related operations into a single unit.

Types of Class in C++:

In C++, classes can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics and usage. Here are the main types of classes in C++:

1.Regular Class

A regular class is the most common type of class used in C++. It defines a blueprint for creating objects and can contain data members (attributes) and member functions (methods). Regular classes can be instantiated to create objects and are widely used for modeling real-world entities and implementing functionalities in C++ programs.


Regular Class

This example demonstrates a regular class called Rectangle with data members width and height, and a member function calculateArea() to calculate the area of the rectangle.


2. Abstract Class

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated directly. It serves as a base class and provides a common interface for its derived classes. Abstract classes typically have at least one pure virtual function, indicated by appending = 0 to the end of the function declaration. Derived classes must implement these pure virtual functions to become concrete classes.


Abstract Class

Here, we have an abstract class Shape with a pure virtual function calculateArea(). The Circle class inherits from Shape and implements the calculateArea() function.


3. Concrete Class

A concrete class is a regular class that can be instantiated directly. Unlike an abstract class, it does not have any pure virtual functions and provides complete implementations for all its member functions. Concrete classes are ready for object creation and use.


Concrete Class:

This example defines a concrete class Car with data members make and model, and a member function displayInfo() to display car information.


4. Friend Class

A friend class is a class that has access to the private and protected members of another class. It is declared as a friend of the target class using the friend keyword. Friend classes can access the private and protected members of the target class, although they are not its member functions.


 Friend Class

In this scenario, MyClass has a private member secretNumber, and FriendClass is declared as a friend of MyClass, allowing it to access the private member.


5. Nested Class

A nested class is a class defined within another class. It can access the private members of its enclosing class, making it useful for organizing related classes and encapsulating functionalities.


Nested Class

The OuterClass contains an integer data member x, and within it, there’s a nested class InnerClass, which can access the x member of OuterClass.


6. Template Class

A template class is a class that is defined using templates. Templates allow the creation of classes that work with different data types, enabling generic programming. Template classes are highly flexible and reusable, as they can adapt to various data types.


Template Class

The Pair class is defined as a template class, allowing it to work with different data types. It takes two elements of the same type and stores them as a pair.


7. Inherited Class

An inherited class (also known as a derived class) is a class that inherits properties and behaviors from another class (base class). It extends the base class, adding new features or overriding existing ones. Inherited classes are used to implement inheritance, a fundamental OOP concept.


Inherited Class

This example demonstrates inheritance, where Dog is a derived class of Animal, and both classes have a makeSound() method. The Dog class overrides the method to provide its own implementation.


8. Singleton Class

A singleton class is a class that is designed to have only one instance throughout the program’s execution. It ensures that only a single object of the class is created, making it useful for scenarios where a global instance is required.


Singleton Class

The Singleton class is designed to have only one instance throughout the program’s execution. The getInstance() method returns the same instance each time it’s called.


9. Polymorphic Class

A polymorphic class is a class that exhibits polymorphism, meaning it allows a single function to operate differently based on the context or type of object it operates on. Polymorphic classes typically use virtual functions or function pointers to achieve this behavior.


Polymorphic Class

This example showcases polymorphism, where the base class Shape has a virtual draw() method, and its derived classes Circle and Square override the method with their own implementations.


Each type of class in C++ serves specific purposes and allows developers to design flexible, efficient, and maintainable software solutions. Choosing the appropriate class type depends on the specific requirements and design goals of your C++ program.





Objects are instances of a class, created from the class blueprint. Each object has its own unique set of data members, representing the attributes of that object. Objects can also perform operations defined by the class’s member functions. Objects are the tangible entities in OOP, representing real-world entities or concepts.

Types of Objects

In C++, objects can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics and usage. Here are the main types of objects in C++:

1. Regular Object

A regular object is the most common type of object used in C++. It is an instance of a regular class and represents a single entity or instance of that class. Regular objects are created and used to access the attributes and behaviors defined in the class.


Regular Object

This example demonstrates a regular object of class Rectangle. The Rectangle class has data members width and height, and a member function calculateArea() to calculate the area of the rectangle. The rect object is created using the Rectangle class and its attributes are accessed to calculate the area.


2. Anonymous Object

An anonymous object, also known as an unnamed temporary object, is an object that is created and used immediately without being assigned to a variable. These objects are often used in one-liner expressions to perform a specific task without storing the result.


Anonymous Object

The multiply() function takes two integers and returns their product. In the main() function, the result of the multiply() function is stored in an anonymous object without being assigned to a variable.


3. Dynamic Object

A dynamic object is an object created on the heap using the new operator. Unlike regular objects, which are created on the stack, dynamic objects have a longer lifespan and must be explicitly deallocated using the delete operator to avoid memory leaks.


Dynamic Object

This example shows the creation of a dynamic object of class Person using the new operator. The object is then accessed through a pointer and its member name is assigned and displayed.


4. Const Object

A const object is an object whose data members are marked as const, indicating that their values cannot be modified after initialization. This is useful when you want to ensure that the object’s state remains constant throughout its lifetime.


Const Object

In this example, the Circle class has a const data member pi, which cannot be modified after initialization. The circle object is created as a const object, and its attribute radius is attempted to be modified, resulting in a compilation error.


5. Array of Objects

An array of objects is a collection of multiple objects of the same class stored in a contiguous block of memory. It allows you to work with multiple objects using array-like syntax and enables efficient storage and retrieval of objects.


Array of Objects

An array of objects of class Student is created to store student names. The array allows us to work with multiple objects of the same class using array syntax.


6. Static Object

A static object is an object with static storage duration. It means that the object is created and initialized only once during the program’s execution and retains its value across multiple function calls. Static objects are typically declared with the static keyword inside a function or at the global scope.


Static Object

The Counter class contains a static data member count, which is used to count the number of objects created. The objects obj1, obj2, and obj3 are created, and the static data member count keeps track of the total number of objects.


7. Friend Object

A friend object is an object of a class that has been declared as a friend of another class. As a friend, the object can access the private and protected members of the target class, similar to how a friend function can.


Friend Object

The MyClass class has a private member secretNumber, and the FriendClass is declared as a friend of MyClass, granting access to its private member.


8. Null Object

A null object is an object that doesn’t represent any real data but is used as a placeholder or default value. It can be helpful to handle exceptional situations or provide default behavior when an actual object is unavailable.


Null Object

In this example, a pointer to Animal named nullAnimal is initialized to nullptr. It demonstrates the use of a null object as a placeholder for situations where an actual object is unavailable.


Each type of object in C++ serves specific purposes and plays a crucial role in building robust and flexible software solutions. The choice of object type depends on the specific requirements and design goals of your C++ program.





Encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that aims to bundle data and methods together within a class and hide the internal implementation details from the outside world. It promotes data hiding and information hiding, leading to more robust and maintainable code. There are different types or aspects of encapsulation, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of the concept. Let’s explore them:

1. Access Specifiers (Public, Private, Protected)

In C++, access specifiers determine the visibility and accessibility of class members from outside the class. The three main access specifiers are:

  • Public: Members declared as public are accessible from any part of the program, including outside the class.
  1. A public member of a class is accessible from anywhere, including outside the class.
  2. It can also be accessed within the class itself.
  • Private: Members declared as private are only accessible from within the class. They are hidden from the outside and can only be accessed through public member functions, allowing better control over data access.
  1. A private member of a class is accessible only within the class itself.
  2. It cannot be accessed from outside the class, including other classes.
  • Protected: Similar to private members, protected members are also hidden from outside the class. However, they can be accessed by derived classes, enabling inheritance.
  1. A protected member of a class is accessible within the class itself and its subclasses (derived classes) through inheritance.
  2. It cannot be accessed from outside the class directly


Let’s Find accessibility of class members (variables) in three different classes: class1, class2, and otherwith the help of code.

oops in c++

explanation of code step-by-step:

a. Class Definitions:

  • class1, class2, and other are three separate classes defined in C++.
  • Each class has private, protected, and public members with different access specifiers.

b. Access Specifiers:

  • private: Members declared under this access specifier can only be accessed within the class itself and are not accessible outside the class.
  • protected: Members declared under this access specifier are accessible within the class and its subclasses (derived classes).
  • public: Members declared under this access specifier can be accessed from anywhere, both inside and outside the class.

c. Class Members:

  • In each class (class1, class2, and other), there are three integer data members: x, y, and z, each with its respective access specifier.

d. Derived Class:

  • derived is a class that publicly inherits from class1 using the syntax class derived : public class1.
  • Public inheritance means that the protected and public members of class1 become protected in derived. The private members of class1 remain inaccessible in derived.

e. Member Function in Derived Class:

  • accessProtectedMember() is a member function defined within the derived class.
  • This function attempts to access the protected member y of class1 (its base class) using the statement y = 10;.
  • Since accessProtectedMember() is a member of derived, it can access the protected members of class1 due to the inheritance relationship.

f. Main Function:

  • In the main() function, several objects are created for different classes: obj1 of class1, obj2 of class2, obj3 of other, and obj4 of derived.

g. Accessing Public Members:

  • The public member z of each class can be accessed from outside the class. For example, obj1.z = 20; sets the z value of obj1 (of class1) to 20.

h. Accessing Private and Protected Members:

  • The private members (x and y) of all classes and the protected members (y) of other cannot be accessed directly from outside their respective classes.

i. Accessing Protected Member from Derived Class:

  • In the accessProtectedMember() function of derived, it is possible to access the protected member y of class1 (its base class) since protected members are accessible within derived classes.

In summary, the code demonstrates the use of access specifiers (private, protected, and public) and showcases how derived classes can access the protected members of their base class. It also illustrates the limitations of accessing private and protected members from outside their respective classes.



2. Data Hiding

Encapsulation promotes data hiding, where the implementation details and internal state of the class are kept private. The data members are accessed and modified through public member functions, providing a controlled interface to interact with the object’s data. This prevents direct access to the data and ensures that the object’s integrity is maintained.


Data Hiding

In this example, the class BankAccount encapsulates its data member balance as private. It provides public member functions getBalance(), deposit(), and withdraw() to interact with the balance. This way, the internal representation of the account balance is hidden from direct manipulation.



Accessors (Getters) and Mutators (Setters)

Accessors (also known as getters) and mutators (also known as setters) are public member functions used to access and modify the private data members of a class, respectively. Getters provide read-only access to the data, while setters allow controlled modification of the data. This ensures that the data is accessed and modified in a controlled manner, maintaining encapsulation.


Accessors (Getters) and Mutators (Setters)

The class Rectangle has private data members length and width. Public member functions getLength(), getWidth(), setLength(), and setWidth() act as accessors and mutators for these private members, allowing controlled access and modification of the data.




Incorporating const correctness is another aspect of encapsulation. By using the const keyword, you can mark certain member functions as const, indicating that they do not modify the object’s state. This allows for better code safety and readability by preventing accidental modifications of data when it is not intended.



The class Circle has a private const data member pi. The public member functions getRadius() and calculateArea() are marked as const, ensuring that they do not modify the object’s state. The object circle is declared as const, making it a read-only object.



Encapsulation plays a crucial role in designing modular and maintainable software systems. By encapsulating data and methods within classes, you can achieve better information hiding, reduce dependencies, and enhance the overall design of your programs.





Abstraction is a fundamental concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that allows you to represent the essential features of an object while hiding unnecessary details. It focuses on defining the interface to interact with objects rather than exposing their implementation. There are different types or aspects of abstraction, each contributing to the overall flexibility and simplicity of the design. Let’s explore them:

1. Abstract Classes: An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and serves as a blueprint for other classes. It contains at least one pure virtual function, marked with virtual and = 0, which makes the class abstract. Abstract classes provide a common interface that derived classes must implement, promoting code reusability and standardizing the behavior of related objects.


Abstract Classes

The example shows an abstract class Shape that contains a pure virtual function draw(). It cannot be instantiated directly, but derived classes like Circle and Square implement the draw() function differently. The base class provides a common interface, and the derived classes provide specific implementations.



2. Interfaces (Pure Abstract Classes): An interface is a type of abstract class that contains only pure virtual functions and no data members. It defines a contract that derived classes must adhere to by implementing all the functions declared in the interface. Interfaces enable multiple inheritance in C++ and allow a class to fulfill multiple roles without introducing ambiguity.


Interfaces (Pure Abstract Classes)

Here, an interface named Printable is created with a pure virtual function print(). The Book and Magazine classes implement the Printable interface by providing their versions of the print() function. Interfaces allow a class to adhere to multiple roles while sharing a common contract.



3. Abstract Methods: An abstract method is a virtual function in a class that is declared as pure virtual (= 0). It has no implementation in the base class, and derived classes must provide their own implementation. Abstract methods ensure that each derived class provides specific functionality while adhering to a common interface.


Abstract Methods

The Animal class contains a pure virtual function makeSound(), making it an abstract class. The derived classes Dog and Cat implement the makeSound() function, providing specific sound behaviors for each animal type.



4. Function Overloading: Function overloading is a form of abstraction where multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists are defined within the same scope. The compiler chooses the appropriate function to execute based on the number or types of arguments passed. Function overloading simplifies the naming of related functions and enhances code readability.


 Function Overloading

In the MathOperations class, two functions named add are defined with different parameter types. Overloading allows the same function name to perform different operations based on the input types, simplifying function names and promoting code reusability.



5. Operator Overloading: Operator overloading is another form of abstraction that allows you to redefine the behavior of operators for custom data types. By overloading operators such as +, -, *, etc., you can provide intuitive and meaningful operations on your objects, making code more natural and expressive.


Operator Overloading

The Complex class overloads the + operator, allowing Complex objects to be added together using the + symbol. This makes complex number addition look natural and intuitive.



6. Namespaces: Namespaces are a way to group related entities, such as classes, functions, and variables, under a common name. They provide a form of abstraction by organizing code and avoiding naming conflicts. Namespaces make it easier to manage large projects and improve code organization and maintenance.



The example shows the usage of namespaces Math and Physics to group related functions and variables under their respective namespaces. This practice helps prevent naming conflicts and organizes code better.



Abstraction plays a significant role in designing efficient and flexible software systems. By abstracting away unnecessary details and providing a clear interface to interact with objects, you can achieve better modularity, maintainability, and code reusability.





Polymorphism is a core concept in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) that allows objects to be treated as instances of their base class or derived classes interchangeably. It enables a single interface to represent multiple behaviors based on the actual type of the object. In C++, there are two main types of polymorphism:

Compile-time Polymorphism (Static Polymorphism)

Function Overloading

Function overloading allows multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists to coexist in the same scope. The appropriate function is selected at compile-time based on the number or types of arguments passed to it.

Example of Function Overloading:

Example of Function Overloading

In this example, the MathOperations class defines two functions named add. One function takes two integer arguments and returns their sum, while the other function takes two double arguments and returns their sum. Function overloading allows the compiler to determine the appropriate function to call based on the types of arguments passed during the function call.



Operator Overloading

Operator overloading enables redefining the behavior of operators for user-defined data types. This allows objects to interact with operators (such as +, -, *, etc.) in a way that makes sense for the specific class.

Example of Operator Overloading:

Example of Operator Overloading

The Complex class defines the + operator overload, allowing two Complex objects to be added together using the + symbol. The function operator+ is implemented as a member function of the class. This enables adding two Complex objects as if they were built-in data types.



Run-time Polymorphism (Dynamic Polymorphism)

Function Overriding

Function overriding allows derived classes to provide a specific implementation of a virtual function declared in the base class. The function called at runtime is determined by the type of the object, not the type of the pointer or reference used to access the object.

Virtual Functions

Virtual functions are declared using the virtual keyword in the base class. They are meant to be overridden in derived classes, and the appropriate function to be executed is determined at runtime based on the actual type of the object.

Example of Virtual Functions and Function Overriding:

Example of Virtual Functions and Function Overriding

The Shape class declares a virtual function draw(). Two derived classes, Circle and Square, override this function with their specific implementations. The Shape* pointers shape1 and shape2 are assigned the addresses of Circle and Square objects, respectively. When draw() is called on these pointers, the appropriate implementation based on the actual object’s type is executed at runtime.



Polymorphism allows the code to be more flexible and versatile, as it enables different behaviors for functions and operators based on the data types or object types they work with. This leads to cleaner and more maintainable code, as common interfaces can be shared among related classes, and different behaviors can be provided by the derived classes as needed.





Inheritance is a fundamental principle of OOP that allows one class (called the subclass or derived class) to inherit properties and behaviors from another class (called the superclass or base class). Inheritance promotes code reuse and hierarchical organization. Subclasses can extend or override the functionality of their superclass, providing flexibility and scalability in the codebase.

There are several types of inheritance:

a. Single Inheritance

In single inheritance, a derived class inherits from a single base class. This is the most common type of inheritance. A derived class can only have one direct base class.


Single Inheritance

In this example, the Circle class inherits from the Shape class using single inheritance. The Circle class has access to the draw() function of the Shape class and overrides it to provide its own implementation. The Circle class becomes a specialized version of the Shape class.



b. Multiple Inheritance

In multiple inheritance, a derived class inherits from multiple base classes. This allows a class to combine features from multiple parent classes. C++ supports multiple inheritance, but it requires careful handling to avoid ambiguity issues.


Multiple Inheritance

In this example, the Platypus class inherits from both the Animal class and the Mammal class using multiple inheritance. The Platypus class exhibits characteristics of both an animal and a mammal and can access functions from both base classes.



c. Multilevel Inheritance

In multilevel inheritance, a class is derived from another class, which, in turn, is derived from yet another class. This creates a chain of inheritance, where each class inherits properties from its immediate parent class.


Multilevel Inheritance

In this example, the SportsCar class inherits from the Car class, which in turn inherits from the Vehicle class, creating a multilevel inheritance chain. The SportsCar class has access to functions from both the Car and Vehicle classes.



d. Hierarchical Inheritance

In hierarchical inheritance, multiple classes are derived from a single base class. This means that a single base class serves as the parent for multiple derived classes.


Hierarchical Inheritance

In this example, both the Dog and Cat classes inherit from the Animal class. Both derived classes share common properties and behaviors from the Animal class while having their specific functionalities.



e. Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid inheritance is a combination of multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance. It involves the inheritance of properties from multiple base classes and forming a hierarchy of derived classes.


 Hybrid Inheritance

In this example, the Platypus class exhibits hybrid inheritance by inheriting from multiple base classes: Animal, Mammal, and Bird. This allows the Platypus class to possess a combination of characteristics from all three base classes.



f. Virtual Inheritance

Virtual inheritance is used to avoid the “diamond problem” that occurs in multiple inheritance when a class indirectly inherits from a base class through multiple paths. By using the virtual keyword during inheritance, the shared base class is only instantiated once in the hierarchy, preventing ambiguity.


Virtual Inheritance

In this example, the Platypus class exhibits hybrid inheritance by inheriting from multiple base classes: Animal, Mammal, and Bird. This allows the Platypus class to possess a combination of characteristics from all three base classes.



Each type of inheritance has its advantages and use cases, and choosing the appropriate type depends on the specific requirements of the program’s design. Care should be taken to ensure that the inheritance hierarchy is well-organized and does not lead to ambiguity or complexities in the code.




Dynamic Binding (Late Binding/Runtime Polymorphism)

Dynamic binding refers to the ability of a program to determine at runtime which method to call, based on the actual object type. It allows for flexibility and adaptability, enabling objects of different classes to be processed differently at runtime. Dynamic binding is closely related to runtime polymorphism.

There are two main types of dynamic binding in C++:

1. Virtual Functions

Virtual functions are functions declared in the base class with the virtual keyword. They provide a common interface that can be overridden in derived classes. When a function is declared virtual, the decision of which version of the function to call is deferred until runtime, based on the actual object type.


Virtual Functions

In this example, we have a base class Shape that declares a virtual function draw(). The draw() function provides a common interface for all shapes but is intended to be overridden in derived classes to provide specific implementations for each shape.

Two derived classes, Circle and Square, inherit from the Shape class. They both override the draw() function to provide their own implementation of drawing a circle and a square, respectively.

In the main() function, we create two pointers of type Shape*, shape1, and shape2. We use these pointers to point to objects of Circle and Square, respectively. This is possible because of dynamic binding. When we call the draw() function through these pointers, the appropriate version of the function is selected based on the actual type of the object pointed to.


Virtual Functions

2. Virtual Destructors

When a base class pointer points to a derived class object and that object is deleted through the base class pointer, the destructor of the derived class should be called. To ensure proper cleanup, the base class destructor should be declared as virtual. This way, when the object is deleted, the appropriate destructor, based on the object type, will be called.


virtual Destructors

In this example, we have a base class Shape that declares a virtual destructor ~Shape(). The destructor is marked as virtual so that when a derived class object is deleted through a base class pointer, the appropriate destructor (based on the derived class) is called.

The Circle class inherits from Shape and overrides the destructor to provide its specific cleanup logic. In this case, the destructor prints “Circle destructor called.” when a Circle object is destroyed.

In the main() function, we create a pointer of type Shape* named shape and assign it to a dynamically allocated Circle object. This sets up a base class pointer to point to a derived class object. When we call delete shape;, the Shape destructor is called. Since it is marked as virtual, the C++ runtime ensures that the destructor of the derived class (Circle in this case) is also called. As a result, both the Shape destructor and the Circle destructor are executed in this order.


Virtual Destructors


Dynamic binding, along with virtual functions and virtual destructors, allows for polymorphism and proper cleanup when using base class pointers to manage derived class objects. It ensures that the correct functions are called at runtime based on the actual type of the objects, leading to more flexible and extensible code.


Message Passing

Message passing is a technique used in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to allow communication between objects. It involves sending messages (requests) from one object to another, and the receiving object processes the message accordingly. In C++, there are two main types of message passing:

1. Implicit Message Passing

Implicit message passing occurs when an object invokes a method on another object without explicitly stating the destination object. The compiler determines the object on which the method should be called based on the context.


Implicit Message Passing

In the provided example, we have a Printer class with a print method that takes a string as input and prints it. In the main() function, we create an instance of the Printer class named printer and call its print method with the message “Hello, world!” using implicit message passing. The compiler automatically identifies printer as the object on which the print method should be called.


Implicit Message Passing




2. Explicit Message Passing:

Explicit message passing occurs when an object explicitly sends a message to another object by specifying the destination object and the method to be called. This can be achieved using pointers or references to objects.


Explicit Message Passing

In the provided example, we have the Printer class again. Instead of calling the print method directly on the object, we create pointers ptr1 and ptr2 that point to two different instances of the Printer class. Then, we explicitly call the print method on printer1 and printer2 using these pointers, demonstrating explicit message passing.

Additionally, we create references ref1 and ref2 that reference the objects printer1 and printer2, respectively. We also call the print method on printer1 and printer2 using these references.


 Explicit Message Passing

Both types of message passing are crucial for object communication in C++. Implicit message passing is commonly used for regular method calls within the class, while explicit message passing is useful when specific objects need to be targeted for processing messages, especially when using pointers and references.



Understanding these building blocks is crucial for mastering Object-Oriented Programming. By leveraging these principles, developers can create well-organized, maintainable, and scalable codebases that model real-world entities effectively.







In conclusion, Object-Oriented Programming in C++ ( oops in c++)  is a beautiful and powerful paradigm that revolutionizes the way we design, develop, and maintain software. By embracing the principles of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, OOP allows us to create elegant and modular code that mirrors the real world. Through the concept of objects, OOP enables us to model complex systems as a collection of interacting entities, making it easier to manage and understand even the most intricate projects. The ability to hide implementation details within classes ensures data security and promotes a clear separation of concerns, leading to more robust and maintainable codebases. oops in shines brightly with features like inheritance and polymorphism, allowing for code reuse, extensibility, and adaptability. This inherent flexibility empowers developers to build scalable solutions and respond gracefully to changing requirements, future-proofing their applications. Moreover, OOP fosters collaboration among developers, enabling teams to work harmoniously on different aspects of a project while adhering to a standardized interface. This cohesive approach enhances productivity and cultivates a deeper sense of craftsmanship in software development. As we continue to advance in the ever-evolving landscape of programming, OOP in C++ remains a timeless and cherished approach. Its beauty lies not only in its syntax and elegance but also in the profound impact it has on software development, empowering us to create sophisticated, maintainable, and beautiful solutions to real-world challenges. So, let us continue to embrace the beauty of OOP in C++, unlocking endless possibilities in the world of programming.




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