Graph Data Structure and Applications of Graph Data Structure: 6

Graphs, a versatile and powerful data structure, form the backbone of representing and analyzing relationships between entities in a networked world. From social networks to transportation systems, graphs provide a visual and efficient way to model and solve complex problems. In this blog, we will delve into the world of graph data structure, understanding its definition, types, operations, implementation, and real-world applications of graph data structure.

What is a Graph Data Structure?

In computer science, a graph is a collection of nodes (also called vertices) connected by edges (also called links). Each edge represents a relationship or connection between two nodes. Graphs can be directed, where edges have a specific direction, or undirected, where edges have no direction. Graphs may also have weighted edges, representing a numerical value associated with each edge.

Types of Graphs data structure

There are various types of graphs, including:

1. Undirected Graphs:

Graphs where the edges have no direction, and the relationship between nodes is bidirectional.

2. Directed Graphs (Digraphs):

Graphs where the edges have a specific direction, forming a one-way relationship between nodes.

3. Weighted Graphs:

Graphs where each edge has a numerical value associated with it, representing the cost, distance, or any other relevant metric of the connection.

4. Acyclic Graphs (DAG – Directed Acyclic Graphs):

Directed graphs without any cycles, where there is no way to start at a node and follow a sequence of edges to return to the same node.

Operations on Graphs

Some common operations performed on graphs include:

1. Add Node: Adding a new node to the graph.

2. Add Edge: Establishing a connection between two nodes by adding an edge.

3. Remove Node: Removing a node and all its associated edges from the graph.

4. Remove Edge: Removing a specific edge between two nodes.

5. Traversal: Visiting and exploring nodes and edges in the graph.


Implementing a Graph Data Structure in C++

Graphs can be implemented using various data structures, including adjacency matrices, adjacency lists, and edge lists. Here’s a simple implementation of an undirected graph using an adjacency list in C++:

graph data structure

1. Class Declaration: The class “Graph” is declared with private data members and public member functions.

2. Private Members:

  • vector<vector<int>> adjList: A 2D vector that represents the adjacency list. Each element in the outer vector represents a node, and the inner vector contains the adjacent nodes to that node.
  • int numNodes: An integer variable to store the number of nodes in the graph.

3. Public Members:

  • Constructor: The constructor is defined to initialize the graph with a specified number of nodes. It resizes the “adjList” vector accordingly.
  • void addEdge(int src, int dest): This function takes two integers “src” and “dest” as parameters and adds an edge between the source node and the destination node. It adds “dest” to the adjacency list of “src” and vice versa since the graph is undirected.
  • void printGraph(): This function is used to print the graph’s adjacency list. It iterates through the “adjList” and prints the neighbors of each node.

4. Main Function (Not Provided): The main function is not included in this code snippet. It is typically used to create an instance of the “Graph” class, add edges to create the desired graph, and call the “printGraph()” function to display the graph’s structure.

graph data structure


grapha data structure

In this example, we create a graph with 5 nodes and add edges to create connections between nodes 0, 1, and 2, as well as between nodes 3 and 4. The printGraph() function displays the adjacency list, showing the neighbors of each node.


Time Complexity of Graph Data Structure

OperationTime ComplexityDescription
Adding an EdgeO(1) or O(log N)Inserting an element into a data structure
Removing an EdgeO(1) or O(log N)Removing an element from a data structure
Traversing the GraphO(V + E)Visiting all vertices and edges in the graph
Finding Shortest PathO((V + E) log V) or O(V^2)Finding the shortest path between two vertices
Finding Minimum Spanning TreeO(E log V)Finding a minimum spanning tree of the graph
Topological SortingO(V + E)Finding a linear ordering of vertices such that for every directed edge (u, v), vertex u comes before vertex v
Cycle Detection (DFS)O(V + E)Detecting if the graph contains a cycle

Please note that the time complexities mentioned here are average-case complexities and can vary based on the specific graph structure and the implementation of algorithms and data structures used. Additionally, some algorithms may have different worst-case time complexities.


Space Complexity of Graph Data Structure

OperationSpace ComplexityDescription
Adjacency MatrixO(V^2)Requires a 2D array of size V x V to represent all possible edges
Adjacency ListO(V + E)Each vertex requires space for its adjacency list, and each edge is represented as a node in the list
Edge ListO(E)Stores a list of edges with their corresponding vertices
Incidence MatrixO(V x E)Requires a 2D array of size V x E to represent the incidence of each vertex with each edge

Please note that the space complexity values mentioned here are the average-case complexities and can vary based on the specific graph structure and the implementation of graph algorithms. Additionally, the space complexity may differ for directed and undirected graphs, as well as for graphs with self-loops and multiple edges. In practice, the choice of graph representation depends on the characteristics of the graph (density, number of vertices and edges) and the specific graph algorithms and operations required for the application. For sparse graphs, the adjacency list representation is generally more space-efficient, while for dense graphs, the adjacency matrix representation may be more suitable.

Some Code examples:

1. Add Node

application of graph data structure

Explanation: The addNode() function adds a new node to the graph by increasing the number of nodes in the graph and adding an empty vector to the adjacency list to represent the connections of the new node.

2. Add Edge

graph data structure

Explanation: The addEdge() function establishes a connection between two nodes by adding an edge between them. For an undirected graph, we add the reverse edge as well to represent a bidirectional connection.

3. Remove Node

graph data structure

Explanation: The removeNode() function removes a node and all its associated edges from the graph. It iterates through the adjacency list and removes any edges that are connected to the node being removed. Then, it removes the node from the adjacency list.

4. Remove Edge

graph data structure

Explanation: The removeEdge() function removes a specific edge between two nodes. It iterates through the adjacency list of both nodes to find the edge and removes it.

5. Traversal

graph data structure

Explanation: The DFS() function performs Depth-First Search (DFS) traversal starting from the specified start node. It uses a helper function DFSUtil() to perform the recursive DFS traversal. The function marks visited nodes to avoid revisiting them and prints the nodes in the order they are visited.

Example Output for Traversal (DFS): Suppose the graph is as follows:

graph data structure

If we call DFS(0), the output will be: 0 1 2 3

Keep in mind that the actual output may vary depending on the structure of the graph and the starting node for traversal.


Real-World Applications of Graph Data Structure

Graphs have numerous applications in various domains, including:

1. Social Networks: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn use graphs to represent relationships between users. Each user is a node, and connections between users (friendships, followers, etc.) are represented as edges.

2. Transportation Networks: Graphs are extensively used to model transportation systems, such as road networks, railway networks, and flight routes. Nodes represent locations (cities, airports), and edges represent the connections (roads, railways, flights) between them.

3. Computer Networks: Graphs are employed in computer networking to represent the connections between devices in a network. Each device (computer, router) is a node, and the physical or logical connections between them are edges.

4. Internet Webpages: Search engines like Google use graphs to index webpages and determine their relevance. Each webpage is a node, and hyperlinks between pages are edges, forming a web of interconnected information.

5. Recommendations and Recommendations: E-commerce websites and streaming platforms utilize graphs to provide personalized recommendations to users. User preferences are represented as nodes, and edges indicate similar interests or previous interactions.

6. Biology and Genetics: Graphs are used in bioinformatics and genetics to represent biological networks, such as protein-protein interaction networks, gene regulatory networks, and metabolic pathways.

7. Game Development: In video game development, graphs are used to design game levels, map paths, and represent game state transitions.

9. Network Optimization: Graphs are employed in optimizing networks for tasks such as minimizing transportation costs, maximizing data transfer efficiency, or finding the shortest path.

10. Circuit Design: In electronic circuit design, graphs are used to represent circuit connections and to analyze circuit behavior.

Advantages of Graph Data Structure:

1. Versatility: Graphs are highly versatile and can model a wide range of real-world problems and scenarios, making them suitable for various applications in computer science, engineering, social sciences, transportation, and more.

2. Representation of Relationships: Graphs excel at representing relationships between entities. They can capture complex relationships like social networks, transportation networks, and dependencies between tasks in project management.

3. Efficient Search: Graph algorithms enable efficient searching and traversal of the graph, making it easier to find paths, cycles, and patterns within the data.

4. Optimal Pathfinding: Graphs are used in route planning and optimization problems to find the shortest or most efficient path between nodes, making them essential in navigation and logistics.

5. Decision Making: Graphs are helpful in decision-making processes, such as determining the most influential nodes in a network or identifying critical paths in a project.

Limitations of Graph Data Structure:

1. Space Complexity: Graphs can consume a significant amount of memory, especially when represented as an adjacency matrix, making them less suitable for large and dense graphs.

2. Complexity of Operations: Some graph algorithms can have high time complexity, especially in large graphs, leading to potential performance issues.

3. Traversing Cycles: Detecting and handling cycles in graphs can be challenging, and improper handling may result in infinite loops.

4. Edge Weight Representation: Representing edge weights in sparse graphs can be memory-intensive, especially in cases where only a few edges have weights.

5. Scalability: For very large graphs, performing certain operations like finding shortest paths or clustering can become computationally expensive and may require specialized techniques or distributed computing.


Graph data structure is a powerful tool for modeling complex relationships in a networked world. From social networks to transportation systems, graphs provide a flexible and efficient way to analyze and solve a wide range of problems. Understanding and mastering graphs will undoubtedly enhance your problem-solving skills and enable you to design innovative algorithms for various applications.

So, the next time you encounter a network-related problem or want to explore connections between entities, remember the graph data structure and its wide-ranging applications. Embrace the interconnected world of graphs and unravel the web of relationships!




Want a good reference book for DSA in C++?

you can check out: Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen(Author), Charles E. Leiserson(Author), Ronald L. Rivest (Author), Clifford Stein (Author).

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This is a classic and widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive and authoritative books on algorithms. It covers a broad range of algorithms and data structures and provides in-depth explanations and analyses. Although the examples in the book use pseudocode, many students and programmers have successfully applied the concepts in C++.

check 4rth fourth edition price: Hardcover price             Kindel Edition price.

 check 3rd edition price:  Paper Back   



you can also check out for DSA in java: Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy by Narasimha Karumanchi(Author)

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This book is a part of a series that covers data structures and algorithms using different programming languages, including Java, C, and Python. So, if you specifically want to learn data structures and algorithms in Java, you can look for the Java version of this book. It will provide examples and explanations using Java programming language to illustrate various concepts related to data structures and algorithms.

check price: Paperback



Best problem-solving book in c++: Problem Solving with C++ by Walter Savitch

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Although not specifically a DSA book, this resource introduces C++ programming through problem-solving techniques. It is beginner-friendly and includes some coverage of basic data structures and algorithms.

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Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions [paperback] McDowell, Gayle Laakmann

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In this book, you’ll find a wide range of array-related problems, including array manipulation, searching, sorting, dynamic programming, and more. Each problem is explained thoroughly, and the solutions are provided with step-by-step explanations and code examples in multiple programming languages, including C++.

The book also includes valuable tips and strategies for approaching coding interviews, making it a useful resource for anyone preparing for technical interviews at top tech companies.

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